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Enhancing On-Chain Investigation with New Features on Tracker

Introducing Merkle Science's latest enhancements for on-chain investigation efficiency with Tracker: Cluster Level Analysis and Autofill. These features are designed to revolutionize your cryptocurrency investigations, offering unparalleled efficiency and insights. Elevate your investigations with Merkle Science.

Cluster Level Analysis

When tracing cryptocurrency transactions, it's crucial to identify if an address is part of a larger cluster, as it can reveal valuable information about bad actors and VASPs. Our new feature utilizes proprietary clustering algorithms to determine if an address is part of a cluster.

With Cluster Level Analysis, investigators gain insights into the cluster's size, historical activity, and a list of all addresses within the cluster. This powerful tool enhances investigators' ability to track and trace cryptocurrency transactions, making it easier to identify and mitigate risks.

Experience the future of on-chain tracing with Merkle Science's Cluster Level Analysis. Enhance your investigations, identify bad actors faster, and stay ahead of emerging threats in the crypto space.



We understand that investigators are often on the move, needing quick and efficient ways to gather information. With Autofill, investigators can input just the first 5 characters of any address or transaction, and Tracker will automatically scour all supported blockchains for possible matches. This saves valuable time and effort, allowing investigators to focus on their analysis instead of manual data entry.

Our Autofill feature is not only a time-saver but also a game-changer in enhancing the efficiency of investigations. Experience the power of Autofill and streamline your tracing process like never before with Merkle Science.

The Cluster Level Analysis and Autofill features are already enabled and can be accessed from your dashboard. If you want to learn more reach out to us at support@merklescience.com or schedule a demo here.